How to track your investment: important tips!



How to track your investment: important tips! Simple steps, dramatic changes in your profitability and growth. Check out!

Many times investors, after making their initial choices and investing, don’t know how to look at their portfolios, much less what steps they should take at the wrong times. This process plays an important role in the success of the investment. Now let’s explain how you can track your assets to get the best return. Can I really buy this product now? Do I need to buy now? Have I done all the calculations involving this purchase and everything it will represent from now on? It’s common for us to use mental accounting just to justify our financial decisions – we do quick calculations in our heads and come to the conclusion that, yes, we can have everything we want at that moment. The truth is very differentEdit

Research proves that those who follow the system without changing it suddenly achieve their goals more effectively. Ideally, planning should be adjusted to annual or at least semi-annual estimates only.

If you change your schedule too often, you can end up making a big mistake, which is always on the wrong track, always arriving late, late, at the wrong time. As a result, he does not get the desired profit.

To come up with a plan, we need to consider a number of factors, such as: 1) how much I want to have in temps, fixed income or equities, limited risk, high risk, and 2) what the financial goals are.

The most common profile of a Brazilian investor is to make a short-term investment. In this case, you need to be very careful, choose a high-value, low-risk investment.


An investor with a medium/long term plan does not need to carefully monitor his returns. Looking once a month is more than fine. The mid-year review is also appropriate. The annual test is important.

It is not necessary, and can be very bad, to look at your finances daily or frequently. More than once a month can cause anxiety and fear, leading investors to take actions that could have a negative impact on their investment.

For example: if we face a day of strong decline, we can suddenly make a withdrawal and close the investment. At this point, you could be missing out on a wonderful opportunity: usually, one day doesn’t affect the bottom line.

The important thing is to see if things are going according to plan. If not, yes, we can consider changes every six months.

When we follow our investments, we must always compare it with a benchmark, an indicator related to your type of investment. The CDI, for example, will serve as a way of comparing fixed income with products from multiple markets. The Ibovespa, on the other hand, is one of the indicators when used in stocks.

Profit analysis must take into account the risk level and volatility of the asset. For example, if a stock has a 5% fluctuation and a 1% drop, we can say that everything is going well, that is, that is what is expected of that product.

Therefore, we always need to weigh risk and flexibility in making decisions. Sometimes, the return may not be what you want, but what you expect from the profile of that investment.

Mid-year reviews are essential at this time. A six-month downturn can be the cause of the withdrawal analysis. If there is one manager left, if the structure is different or something else explains the poor performance. It may be a reflection of the collective change in the marketplace.

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