Women lead the list of 10.1 million enterprises in the country. see more




According to the study, after the withdrawal in the first months of the COVID-19 epidemic, the number of women in leadership returned.
In the second half of 2020, women’s businesses reached 8.6 million companies, but grew again and reached 10.1 million in the fourth quarter of 2021. That is, this is the same result recorded in the last half of 2019.
The study was carried out based on data from the Pnad Contínua (Continuous Household Sample Survey).

Women Entrepreneurs – Dinheirama

The participation of women in business is still low

According to Sebrae, although this recomposition has taken place, the participation of women entrepreneurs (34%) is still below the highest historical number. The all-time high was 34.8% in the fourth quarter of 2019.

In addition, the participation of women among entrepreneurs and employers also remains below the pre-crisis era.

This means that, by the end of 2019, there were 1.3 million entrepreneurs hiring workers. That is, the equivalent of 13.6% of all entrepreneurs. At the end of last year, however, that number had dropped to 1.1 million (11.4% of the total).

In terms of race, unfortunately the news is not good, as the participation of black women in business has declined.

While at the end of 2019 there were 50.3% of entrepreneurs, in the same period of 2021, approximately 48.5%. White women represented 48.4% of entrepreneurs to 49.9%.

Women’s business sectors

The Sebrae study also revealed that half of women entrepreneurs work in the service sector. While 28% are in the trade sector, for example. On the other hand, 35% of male entrepreneurs are in the service sector and 21% are in the construction sector.

Additional analysis

According to the study data, the number of female heads of household has increased. While in 2019, female heads of household were 47%, in the last quarter of 2021, representing 49% of the total.

With regard to formal education, surveys show that there is an increase in the literacy level of female entrepreneurs. In this way, it also widens the gap between women and men, at least to a moderate level.

By the end of 2021, 68% of female entrepreneurs had at least a high school education, compared to 54% of male entrepreneurs. Compared to 2019, there was an 11% increase for women and 4 points for men.

Women Entrepreneurs – Dinheirama

Credit: Mart Production / Pexels


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