ANGOLAINE confirms the execution of more than 800 works in various categoriesHeitor Baptista2 anos ago
ANGOLAAssociations of young entrepreneurs from Portugal and Angola sign a protocol with the company JPMHeitor Baptista2 anos ago
ANGOLAMozambican rapper Azagaia diesHeitor Baptista2 anos ago101According to information released by the family, the artist died of a possible attack of epilepsy, a disease that he...
ANGOLAAngola has 36 of the 51 most sought after minerals in the worldHeitor Baptista2 anos ago92The list will be revised, if necessary, every five years, in consultation with mining industry experts. According to the Minister...
ANGOLAINE confirms the execution of more than 800 works in various categoriesHeitor Baptista2 anos ago87According to INE, there was a decrease of 13.6 percent compared to works in progress between the 2nd and 3rd...
ANGOLAAssociations of young entrepreneurs from Portugal and Angola sign a protocol with the company JPMHeitor Baptista2 anos ago75"The aim is to increasingly increase the attractiveness of the Portuguese ecosystem and also create better conditions for national entrepreneurs,...
ANGOLAAGT implements improvements in the submission of the remuneration statementHeitor Baptista2 anos ago80According to a note from the institution to which the JA had access, in order to modernize the technological infrastructures,...
ANGOLAFINANÇASOil sector registers a high concentration of companiesHeitor Baptista2 anos ago88The data were advanced by the administrator of ARC, Nelson Lembe, at the methodological seminar on merger operations between companies...